The National Military Family Advocacy Organization (NMFAO) Mission Statement
The military family is the foundation for members serving in harm´s way, worldwide.
Occasionally, military members can be under a lot of stress or even suffer from significant debilitating injuries; it can be too much. Often, abuse or even abandonment of the military family is the end result. Clearly, the military member needs help, but so do the families. Change is needed.
The National Military Family Advocacy Organization (NMFAO) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advocate for the military family, protect the rights of the military family, and help restore services and protection often denied to military families due to abandonment or abuse from a military servicemember.
The National Military Family Advocacy Organization (NMFAO) Vision Statement
NMFAO seeks to ensure there is justice and protection for military families. We work to implement and correct federal laws and federal pre-emptive laws. As we support military families, we also desire to assist Military Commanders, JAG´s, State and Federal courts, and Congress to understand the rights and protections of military families.
"Advocating for Military Families: Addressing Systemic Barriers and Inequities"
Please read the attached Press Release for further details and a Call to Action. We appreciate your support by sharing this post and tagging your local Congressman and House Armed Services with your comments in support for Military Families.
We are grateful for your prayers and support for the Military families.
According to Fairfax County Circuit Court, VA Public Records-
1. Plaintiff's $1.5 Defamation Suit, Fairfax County Circuit Court, VA
2. Defendant, Rohini Hughes' Counter Claim:
3. Fairfax County Circuit Court, VA December 7, 2024 Final Order:
4. Defendant, Rohini Hughes' Objections to December 7, 2024, Final Order:
5. Fairfax County Circuit Court, VA's Denial for Defendant's Request for Remote Appearance:
Homeless Ex-Military Spouse and Child/Congressional Witness/Military Family Advocate to Advocate Military Spousal and Child Abuse in a $1.5M Defamation suit filed by an abusive USAF Lt Col JAG Corps Officer
PRESS RELEASE - National Military Family Advocacy Organization (NMFAO) | September 21, 2024
Letter to Judge Paul F. Sheridan
Fairfax County Circuit Court
Fairfax, Virginia
By Gina L. Fischer
President, Wings For Justice | September 21, 2024
Milspouse Homicides
Navy Military Spouse Takara Hightower, 34
U.S. Navy recruiter Greg Hightower dies after shooting wife dead, as she held on to her unharmed child and Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS) interviews her about domestic abuse allegations in fatal Harris Co. TX shooting – Thursday, September 22, 2022

Ms. Dana Alotaibi, a Military Marine spouse
Please read and follow the details of the recent tragic murder of Ms. Dana Alotaibi, a Military Marine spouse. A statement from 3rd Marine Division confirmed that her ex-husband, Sgt. Bryant Tejedacastillo, has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with her death.
Ms. Terrica Williams, Army Spouse
Christopher Williams, 35, murdered his wife, Terrica Williams, 36, at the Liberty Square Shopping Center in Hinesville, Georgia. Christopher was a Sargent 1st Class in the United States Army.
Ms. Shelby Dodson, Navy Spouse
George Dodson, a 23-year-old Navy sailor, has been charged with murder after Shelby Dodson was found dead and the couple's 13-month-old son was found injured at a fire scene.
"Family Court Corruption Update" by Journalists Ms. Megan Fox, PJ Media, and Mr. Michael Volpe, Investigative Journalist exposing Judicial Tyranny
Jay Hughes Interview

Rohini Hughes Interview

CBS News Coverage
NMFAO is honored and grateful to have collaborated with CBS News on Combating domestic violence in the military: A new, two-year long CBS News investigation reveals the defense department is dealing with another crisis on the homefront, domestic violence. Countless Military Spouses/Former Spouses and Military Children are waiting for their protection and justice due to tyranny, corruption, collusion, and civil judicial and military system's failures, while being punished, destroyed, and led to death for reporting fleeing domestic violence and abuse in our military.
Click to View on Social Media:
"It was severe betrayal": Military has failed to address domestic violence, survivors say; Military's domestic violence crisis compounded after 20 years of war; The Pentagon has spent $1 billion on a program for domestic abuse victims since 2015. Survivors say they couldn't get help
September 7, 2021
In a statement to CBS News after our report aired, secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall wrote:
I am extremely troubled by the claims of inappropriate handling of domestic violence complaints highlighted in your broadcast and have directed the Department of the Air Force Inspector General to conduct a comprehensive review of those cases. The review will address not only the investigation and disciplinary actions associated with these cases, but also the support provided to victims. There is absolutely no place for sexual assault, sexual harassment, or domestic violence in the Department of the Air Force.
September 7 and 8, 2021
Roughly 100,000 incidents of domestic abuse have been reported to the military since 2015, CBS News found. The military has not kept comprehensive data on the problem so it's impossible to assess the full scope. And while the Pentagon has made combating military sexual assault a priority and formed an independent review commission to address the problem, the new investigation reveals domestic abuse is a similar crisis on the home front. Some survivors told CBS News they felt they were in more danger after they reported.
September 8, 2021
"As w/sexual violence, DoD has turned a blind eye to domestic violence for too long. These heartbreaking stories show the urgent need to act. My HASC-approved NDAA reforms to take these cases out of the chain of command are a crucial component. We must keep ALL servicemembers safe"
-Hon. Chairwoman Jackie Speier, House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel
September 8, 2021
In a statement to CBS News, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin wrote:
Sexual assault, sexual harassment and domestic violence continue to plague our ranks. These crimes have profoundly damaging, and sometimes lethal consequences for service members and our families, and fundamentally impact our combat readiness. While I cannot comment on individual cases, I take these issues, and the impact on the men and women of the services, and their families, with the utmost seriousness.
We are grateful to award winning journalist Ms. Alice Giordano and The Epoch Times for interviewing our Founder and Vice President Ms. Rohini Hughes and featuring NMFAO in her latest article entailing family court reforms.
Bill Reforming Family Courts Draws Rare Bipartisan Support
The Epoch Times | by Alice Giordano
Our very own, Ms. Rohini Hughes, NMFAO Vice President/Co-Founder and Jay N. Hughes, NMFAO Military Youth Advisor, have been fighting for their protection and justice by seeking assistance from the United States Air Force, Joint Base Andrews, MD, and Hurlburt Field, FL, since 2014 due to domestic violence and abuse by their perpetrator, a #USAF #JAG and a VA/DC/MD #FamilyLaw attorney. This perpetrator was promoted to "LT COL" a month after the September 18, 2019, Congressional testimony given by Ms. Rohini Hughes and Jay N. Hughes, instead of being held accountable by Lt Gen Jeffrey Rockwell, The Judge Advocate General, Department of the Air Force, among other senior Military leaders, have failed to hold countless perpetrators accountable for the domestic violence and abuse in our military.
"Weekly Family Court Corruption Update" by Journalists Ms. Megan Fox, PJ Media, and Mr. Michael Volpe, Investigative Journalist exposing Judicial Tyranny
We are eternally grateful to Ms. Megan Fox, Author, PJ Media, and Mr. Michael Volpe for their passionate #journalism and for blessing Rohini Hughes and Jay Hughes, with an opportunity to share the judicial tyranny of #Military Families. The plight of the abused, abandoned, deserted, #homeless #militaryspouse #formermilitaryspouse #children #militarykids destroyed, led to suicide or homicide must end immediately by ending #judicial immunity.
Mr. Jay Hughes, Military Youth Advisor, National Military Family Advocacy Organization-NMFAO | USAF JAG Military Kid as a newly turned 18 yr old military child, speaks on his own experience of the military and judicial system’s failure for domestic violence and abuse victims. Jay Hughes’ 1st public interview, as a homless and destitute victim in the military, exposes his USAF JAG father/abuser, Military leaders, Guardian ad Litem (GAL), and Judge in Fairfax County Circuit Court, Virginia
Jay Hughes' Written Statements:
Victims Safe Harbor Foundation and DVSur5r Network Advocating for Jay Hughes & Abused Military Children
Jay Hughes' Therapist & Witness Affidavits
Ms. Rohini Hughes, Founding Member & Vice President, National Military Family Advocacy Organization- NMFAO | Congressional Witness | Military Family Advocate | Former USAF JAG Military Spouse interview exposes the lawlessness towards the military families of domestic violence and abuse.
We continue to advocate for Late Dr. Nashwa Holt, found dead on Mother's Day in 2019, while fighting for protection and justice for herself and her two sexually abused boys by a USAF officer. Countless other victims in our military families who have been destroyed by judicial tyranny and have committed suicide or have been killed by their abusers in our military finally have the Members of Congress and Senate's attention. Our civilian Judicial system does not bring any resolution, protection, or justice either in Military Divorce and Custody trials due to FAPA or Fake Allegations of Parental Alienation, a disturbing practice being used by family court judges across the nation to strip custody of protective mothers and award abusive children to their abusive fathers. #FAPA

Dr. Nashwa Holt, Air Force Spouse
According to Fairfax County Circuit Court, Fairfax, VA and public records, NMFAO’s VP/Abused Military JAG Spouse/Congressional Witness needs legal representative for a defamation suit from an Air Force JAG Lt Col Matthew (Matt) E. Hughes due to her Congressional testimony on domestic violence and communication with the military command. NMFAO is requesting assistance with pro bono representation and referrals to assist Ms. Rohini Hughes in this suit. Our Military silences the victims while empowering the abusers by failing to hold them accountable for abuse and therefore the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel: Shattered Families, Shattered Service: Taking Military Domestic Violence Out of the Shadows held a hearing on September 18, 2019
We appreciate your continued support towards the abused, deserted, abandoned and often homeless military families. Military families need your support and prayers!
1. Slander Summons for Service_Complete 11.06.2019
2. Abuse Email and Rohini Simran and Jay Hughes Response
3. Subcommittee on Military Personnel: Shattered Families, Shattered Service: Taking Military Domestic Violence Out of the Shadows
4. Congresswoman Speier Holds First House Armed Services Committee Hearing on Domestic Violence in Over 15 Years
5. U.S House of Representatives Committee Repository: Hearing: Shattered Families, Shattered Service: Taking Military Domestic Violence Out of the Shadows - Subcommittee on Military Personnel (Committee on Armed Services)
6. Opening Statement, Chairwoman Jackie Speier: Subcommittee on Military Personnel - Shattered Families, Shattered Service: Taking Military Domestic Violence Out of the Shadows (September 18, 2019)
7. House Armed Services Committee - Subcommittee on Military Personnel Hearing: “Keeping Our Service Members and Their Families Safe and Ready: The Military’s Prevention and Response to Domestic Violence”
8. U.S Department of Defense- Outreach Key in Addressing Domestic Violence
Subcommittee on Military Personnel Hearing: “Keeping Our Service Members and Their Families Safe and Ready: The Military’s Prevention and Response to Domestic Violence”
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
(3:00pm ET – Virtual via WebEx – Open)
Click to view at
Panel 1
Ms. Amy Logan, Survivor | Ms. Jessica Strong, Co-Director of Applied Research Blue Star Families | Ms. Brenda Farrell, Director, Defense Capabilities and Management Team Government Accountability Office
Panel 2
Colonel Steve Lewis, Family Advocacy Program Manager Department of the Army | Colonel Andrew A. Cruz, Chief, Air Force Family Advocacy Program Department of the Air Force | Ms. Crystal Griffen, Deputy Director Family Support Commander Navy Installations Command | Ms. Lisa Eaffaldano, Assistant Branch Head, Prevention and Clinical Services United States Marine Corps | Ms. Patricia Barron, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense, United States Marine Corps
Witnesses, Experts and Department of Defense testifying before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel
18 Sept 2019
Testimonies by Survivors and Advocates
Ms. Kate Ranta, Ms. Rohini Hughes,
Ms. Leah Olszewski
Military & Veterans Advocacy Experts
Mr. Brian Clubb, Mr. David S. Lee, Ms. Arlene Vassell
Mrs. A.T. Johnston, Mr. Kenneth Noyes
See the full program here
View the hearing video here
We are grateful to Congresswoman Jackie Speier for holding the 1st House Armed Services Committee Hearing on Domestic Violence in Over 15 Years. Additionally, we are grateful to 3 courageous journalists at Huffington Post for being stellar leaders in exposing the Domestic Violence/Abuse in our military.
click images to enlarge
United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) Studies
Our Co-Founder and Vice President, Ms. Rohini Hughes and Military Youth Advisor, Mr. Jay N. Hughes among many of our clients as Military Spouses and Children were part of these GAO studies and report. Please feel free to cite any findings from these GAO studies and reports in your civil cases. Thank you.
Child Welfare:Increased Guidance and Collaboration Needed to Improve DOD's Tracking and Response to Child Abuse
Published: Feb 12, 2020. Publicly Released: Feb 12, 2020.
Actions Needed to Enhance DOD’s Prevention, Response, and Oversight
Published: May 6, 2021. Publicly Released: May 6, 2021
MS. JOAN MEIER, Esq., Professor of Clinical Law and Director, National Family Violence Law Center at GW George Washington University Law School (Founder, Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project)
Joan S. Meier (2020) U.S. child custody outcomes in cases involving parental alienation and abuse allegations: what do the data show?, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 42:1, 92-105, DOI: 10.1080/09649069.2020.1701941
Our, Vice President, Rohini Hughes personally participated in the pilot program for It's weWomen Plus study for Immigrant Women's Safety, Health, and Well-Being by John Hopkins School of Nursing because of her lived experiences as a victim; combined with NMFAO's continued collaboration and support as the project launched in January 2021.
MS. KELCI REISS, MAPA | Research Program Coordinator
It’s weWomen Plus | Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
Introducing NMFAO!
NMSAO has passionately served the Military spouses since 2015 and today we are proud, grateful and humbled to announce our new advocacy organization, the National Military Family Advocacy Organization (NMFAO).
We are taking another step in our mission to recognize and strengthen the entire military family unit by incorporating military children and becoming “family focused". The new organization has been incorporated in Virginia as a non-profit entity with its application for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status pending before the IRS. NMFAO’s mission is to serve Military families and to provide a platform for both military spouses and children to voice their concerns and trials, always keeping in mind that the Military children of today will proudly become the Military servicemembers of tomorrow!
NMFAO has prayerfully created this new platform and will soon be operational, providing valuable and much needed additional resources and information to better serve the Military families. We are grateful for your continued support and prayers.
Featured Stories
2019 Brings Changes to Military Justice System
Children’s advocates say family courts unfairly favor fathers, even when they’re the abusers
Domestic Violence Is The Most Common Killer Of Women Around The World
Servicemembers Are Getting Away With Abuse
Domestic Violence in the U.S. Military
Domestic abuse: Long lasting effects on women and their children
The US Military Is Officially Counting Domestic Violence As A Separate Crime
Domestic violence victims struggle in family courts to retain custody of children
Air Force admits it failed to report Texas shooter's conviction for abuse
Unlawful Command Influence Exposed at the Highest Levels of Military Legal Leadership
Nina’s Story – A charismatic doctor and Lieutenant Colonel who violates HIPAA and military core values to seduce women.

Do you know that Military Spouses and Children serve our nation as much as the Servicemember?
Do you know how many times the Military Spouses suffer and sacrifice through each relocation and deployment while serving the military, family, community,
faith based organizations, schools, at each new duty station?

Do you know how many service members suffer from Mental Illness caused by relocations, deployments to War Zones resulting in Domestic Violence? Do you know that Mental Health Evaluations are optional and not mandatory for service members returning from war zones?
Can you guess how I am going to grow up healthy after what I witness?
Do you know how many times I have
been crippled
and silenced
abuse and abandonment?
Do you really know how many Military
Spouses and
are actually ABANDONED every day?
Despite some new protections patched into family law for victims of violence against women, the family law and family court system remain a flawed and risky venue for victims of family violence. It's especially risky for victims who present claims of violence and abuse in family court without any criminal case documents to back up those claims.
The structure and powers of the family court system are radically different from the criminal system. By understanding these differences, victims and advocates can minimize the risks of family court, and get the best of each system to work for them.
Part I of this text describes some of the key differences between the family and criminal court systems. It explains why family court is so prone to fail victims of family violence. Part II provides some strategies for avoiding family court when possible, or for protecting against the risks when a family court case is opened. Parts III & IV provide some general tips for handling your family court case.
Part V offers some tips on what to do if you lose in family court, particularly if you lose child custody. And Part VI tells a story of how one domestic violence victim who had become badly trapped in family court hell, ultimately managed to get free.
Most people mistakenly think that the difference between family court and criminal court consists mainly in the different issues these courts deal with. It's a mistake that can seriously endanger victims of family violence who too often trust that the family court system is built to protect her in much the same way as the criminal system. Nothing could be further from reality.
Read the full article at
How Multiple Military Failures Set The Texas Church Shooter On A Path To Violence
This is finally exposed! So you can only imagine the number of unreported and unrecorded Domestic Abuse cases towards the Military Spouses and Children!
“The lack of attention paid to domestic violence reporting is alarming. An estimated 1 in 3 American civilian women (33 percent) endure intimate partner violence during their lifetime, according to data from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. VA statistics indicate similarly that 36% of female active-duty service members experienced domestic violence, a number that’s likely low due to underreporting in the ranks; for female veterans, it’s as high as 70%, per the VA.”
Pentagon releases sexual assault data for all its installations for the first time
Wow! Well, we can tell you without hesitation that this is not true data at all because many cases go unreported due to the collusion between Commanders, Family Advocacy Programs and Inspector Generals! The messily data collected by the military entities does not even get reported to the State Government while the Pentagon shows a decline in every possible area of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Military Divorce. Where is the Justice?
"In God we trust, through God we serve."
But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!
Amos 5:24